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Ukrainian Money


“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

– Vivian Greene

“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher.”

– Chinese Proverb

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We prepare you for greatness

Entrepreneurs have always been the fuel that pushed the society forward to better horizons. They are the explorers of new uncharted territories that nobody would have imagined possible. Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Steve Jobs and many were visionaries that democratized products and services that no one would have dreamed of or succeeded before them. As a result, our society has been reshaped to an extent that we can almost think of their products as basic tools.

Today, as never in the past, we have an abundance of funds wealthy people interested in the Paystack and we have a wealth of entrepreneurs with amazing ideas. Yet, not everyone gets a piece of the pie. A survey of investors was conducted by the West African tech ecosystem in 2017 because there was an assumption that investors weren't investing in Africa. The truth was that investors didn't find the companies they encountered interesting. Investors getting flooded with fund requests from entrepreneurs that gave little thought more than a basic brainstorm with bullet points didn’t help.

It is the same scenario we have with recruiters sending CVs to recruiters that can’t go over all the CVs. The most promising ones get an interview to pitch their case. Keep in mind:

  • Pitch deck is the CV of a startup: only the most promising ones get a chance to defend their case

  • Investors invest in people rather than a pitch deck: you can have the best idea of the world, but if you don’t convince an investor that you’re the right person to lead it, there is little chance he’ll invest unless he buys you out and do it himself.


BPS helps startups communicate their visions in ways that will attract investors. Working with BPS can lead a long way to secure the needed capital to thrive and evolve. We work with startups to highlight the best parts of their business model, craft a story around it, and adapt the narrative in a way that will attract investors. 
Having an idea is good, but having the right connection as well is better. Through our network, BPS can link startups to investors that are interested in the field the startup is evolving in.

Confident Businesswoman


If you're interested in our services, please contact us. We would be happy to chat with you about your needs and goal.

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